2007 - Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu 383, Seria Ogrodnictwo 41: 75-79

Zbigniew Koziara, Anna Głownia

Wpływ GA3, BA i preparatu Chrysal Clear
na pozbiorczą trwałość pędów
wybranych gatunków eukaliptusa
stosowanych na zieleń ciętą

Z Katedry Roślin Ozdobnych
Akademii Rolniczej im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie

Abstract. The research was carried out to establish the influence of Chrysal Clear, different GA3, BA concentrations and methods of application on postharvest durability of cut stalks Eucalyptus globulus, E. gunnii and E. niphophila cultivated for florist greens. Also the influence of these compounds and preparation, which the tested species were treated with, on the loss of their fresh weight was observed. The research showed negative influence of all of these bioregulators on the postharvest durability of the tested eucalyptus stalks.

Key words: florist greens, postharvest treatment, durability, Chrysal Clear, GA3, BA


The influence of GA3, BA solutions and Chrysal Clear
on the postharvest durability for florist greens
of eucalyptus tested species


Nowadays, the most popular bioregulators prolonging florist greens durability are gibberellins and cytokinins. The research was carried out to establish the influence of Chrysal Clear, different GA3, BA concentrations and methods of application on postharvest durability of cut E. globulus, E. gunnii and E. niphophila stalks.

The stalks received the following treatment: conditioning – immersing the stalks for 24 hours in GA3 solution (0.25 mM·dm-3); dipping the whole stalks for 30 seconds in GA3 solution (1 mM·dm-3); conditioning for 24 hours in BA solution (0.1 mM·dm-3); dipping for 30 seconds in BA solution (1 mM·dm-3).

E. niphophila stalks durability was the longest (both in cases of GA3, BA conditioning and dipping). Also E. gunnii stalks durability (which were put into distilled water) is about 20 days. The E. globulus stalks showed the shortest durability (both in cases of GA3 and BA conditioning). The shortest loss of fresh weight were of E. gunnii stalks treated with Chrysal Clear and in distilled water, whereas E. globulus stalks treated with both in cases of BA, GA3 and Chrysal Clear showed the greatest loss of fresh weight.